Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Momma Mondor : )

......& she is as cute as the Name! T & J came to me for Newborn pictures and decided to get Belly Pics , too! I am oh so excited to meet Mr. Sloan Lawson Mondor when he makes his apperance! This couple was so Awesome! It's so nice to meet people you just feel comfy with, like you've known 'em forever, that's the Mondors.......
Thanks Guys for an awesome morning : )

Massaro Magic

These two are so funny! Put 'em together and you got one crazy crew! Top it off the speak Italian to one another : ) How awesome is that, I can barely speak English and here they are in a whole different Language...I Love it and Them! Also their Dad, Capt. Ron {& no not the creepy one played by Kurt Russell} makes Soaps, and they are spectacular, " Blue Crab Handmade Soaps By Capt. Ron " ! You should get some, the soap slices are so fab ......

The Cutie-Patotie Clark Babies

......and how could I not? They are just so precious! Khendal is just the little Diva and CJ just makes you melt : )

Sunday, September 12, 2010

6 Weeks Old..oh my word

My Punkie Chunkie is a whoppin' six weeks old! Can you believe it? I can't! Pretty soon I am goona be picking out her Prom Dress and Bailing my husband out of Jail for killing her first boyfriend! Anywho- I'll leave you with this, my model for a hairpiece I recieved from the Awesome- Your Royal Fatness {etsy.com}!

I love my Baby girl, she is just awesome : )

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

My Little Tea Party Photography Session on 9/25

I am so excited to do this photo shoot I just can't even tell you! The location is a surprise and I am providing the pettiskirts and tutus, while the fabulous Whippy Cakes is providing the Hair Accesories! Please bring your little Darling for a super fun time.....